Tuesday, June 14, 2022

How to Install a Through the Wall Air Conditioner: Step by Step Guide

A through-the-wall air conditioner is a low-cost air conditioning system with low annual operating expenses. 

These models are great if you require an appliance that provides a lot for a modest starting cost. The installation isn't difficult, and I'm confident you'll be able to do it. 

Of course, this implies that you will be able to save money. Use my tips and tactics as you follow my step-by-step instruction on how to install a through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve and unit.

These devices operate on the same principle as many window air conditioners, but you should be aware that the installation is permanent. 

After the season, the wall sleeve air conditioner does not need to be reinstalled. 

As a result, the location of the machine is critical, and it should be close to the outlet. Let's take a step-by-step look at the installation process.

How to Install an Air Conditioner Through the Wall

It's time to start using the unit now that you've successfully fitted the through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve. 

The installation is straightforward, and you'll need nearly the same tools that you used for the sleeve. The only thing I'd like to mention is that you should have another pair of hands to assist you.

Remember to read and follow the instructions in the manual that came with the wall sleeve air conditioner.

Step 1: Preparation

First and foremost, you must follow the directions in the manual, as well as read my guide for extra information. The reason for this is that each model is unique, and some aspects of the installation process may differ.

You can skip this step if you already have a through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve and your objective is to replace the unit. 

However, make sure your new AC unit's model is compatible with your previous sleeve. It would also be ideal if you could clean the sleeve and re-seal it with a decent type of new seal.

If you bought a new air conditioner, you also need to know how to install a through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve. Let's get started with the necessary tools.

You'll require the following tools:

  • Screwdriver with a flat head

  • Screwdriver

  • Level

  • Drill

  • Measurement tape

  • Gloves for protection

  • Clasps made of plastic

PRO TIP: I strongly advise enlisting the assistance of a friend. You'll be glad to have a second pair of hands. 

Installing a new through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve and a unit on your own is not a good idea!

Something else, such as screws or a putty knife, could be listed in the manufacturer's manual. So don't forget to adhere to these guidelines as well. 

They've come to ensure a seamless installation.

Step 2: Get the sleeve ready

There is no need to purchase a new sleeve if you merely want to replace your current through-the-wall AC unit. 

The sleeves are made to accommodate a variety of brands. That's fantastic. 

However, you should make sure that your current sleeve is compatible with the new device before purchasing one.

If a through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve is required because you are installing the sleeve and unit for the first time, see the instructions above. 

The sleeve's assembly and installation are simple, and you won't need to engage a professional.

PRO TIP: If this is your first time installing a through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve and unit, I recommend being extremely careful when cutting the hole in the wall or hiring a professional like www.acservice.sg to do it for you. 

Remember, it's a hole in the wall, so there's no room or time to make a mistake!

Between the sleeve and the wall, make sure there are no gaps or leftover spaces.

It doesn't matter if you just replaced the unit and kept the previous sleeve or if you're intending to install a new in-wall air conditioner. To fill the gaps, always use a high-quality sealant.

Step 3: Apply sleeve seals

In this stage, we'll use positioning seals and foam support blocks to achieve our goal. They are linked to the inside of the sleeve component to allow the AC unit to be slid in and fit snugly inside.

If you have a sleeve from a prior air conditioner, double-check that the seals are in good shape. Also, check the handbook for your new air conditioner to see if the seals are in the proper position.

If your unit and sleeve are both brand new, make sure you follow the manufacturer's directions for correctly attaching the seals.

Let's get to work on the seals. Attach the first section of the seal to the back grill horizontally under the top of the sleeve. 

Then, using two identical portions of the seals, attach them vertically to the rear grill, adjacent to the side panels.

It's now time to put the foam support blocks in place. Next to the bottom section of the sleeve, attach the blocks to the side panels from the back to the front. 

Also, on the bottom half of the sleeve, use the support blocks (sloped from front to back). This is an important stage that should not be overlooked. In order to work effectively, your unit must be slanted from the front to the back.

Step 4: Make sure the unit is grounded

I don't think it's necessary to explain why your device must be properly grounded. The ground wire must be fastened to the sleeve in this case. 

Once your unit is inserted into the sleeve, the ground wire is connected to the AC chassis, allowing the unit to be grounded.

If you're unsure about a step, go to the manufacturer's manual for guidance.

Step 5: Place the unit in the sleeve for the air conditioner

It's time to slide the unit into the sleeve. The outlet cord should be on the outside of the sleeve. Lift the air conditioner and slide it into the wall sleeve.

 It's possible that you'll have to wriggle your new unit a little. To fully slide the cooling machine into the sleeve, press on the front and side of the machine.

 Every smooth should be done softly. Use my expert suggestion below if it's too hefty for you.

PRO TIP: Lifting and sliding the air conditioner with a companion is recommended. These units aren't light, and trust me when I say it'll be a lot easier if you do it with someone.

Step 6: Put the trim kit together and attach it

Place all four trim kit pieces on the floor. Press each piece together until a rectangle is formed. Gently press it. Keep in mind that the parts are plastic. The trim package is now ready to be installed.

Slide the trim kit over your new wall sleeve air conditioner after running the power wire through it. Snap it into the sleeve on the wall.

Step 7: Complete the setup

Try to switch on the light by plugging the power cord into the outlet. The installation process is completed once the device is operational. Congratulations. You performed an excellent job!

Closing thoughts

The air conditioner that runs through the wall is a very cost-effective piece of equipment. 

Furthermore, the installation procedure isn't rocket science. I feel that if a manufacturer provides a guide and instructions, everyone will be able to install a through-the-wall air conditioner. 

Spending money on an expert or a team of experts is a waste of money. It's something you can do on your own.

The units, on the other hand, are normally quite hefty, so I wouldn't recommend doing it alone. You can enlist the help of a friend to make the process as painless as possible.

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