Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Inversion Tables Do They Work?

With the increasing varieties of inversion tables on the market, the question arises; inversion tables do they work?

Having purchased and tested an inversion table, sometimes known as a gravity inversion system, the question was easy to answer - yes. Inversion tables offer a wide range of settings to accommodate all users from the new through to the seasoned inversion table veteran. Inversion tables for back pain are sought by many people with varying degrees of back problems, especially lower back pain.

The tables can even help relieve pressure on the knees as hanging upside-down allows for the joints to stretch and recover from the compounding stress of walking around and putting pressure on the joints. This is not a new form of exercise as people have been inverting for hundreds of years to alleviate pain by hanging from tree limbs or other sturdy equipment. Today however, inversion stretch tables make it easier for people young and old to invert. Now they are built to lock in the feet while users slowly tilt backwards into an inverted position to relieve the pressure on the spine.

Using inversion tables for back pain a few minutes a day can relieve the pain in the back from compression in the spine. Different models will suit the needs of different people, some models come with only a foot brace with molded plastic to hold people into the device while others come with gravity boots. Depending on your comfort preference you can get one or the other or both as many models offer the opportunity to buy extra attachments to your gravity inversion system.

People throughout North America are enjoying the benefits of Inversion Tables. Stresses of every day life such as sitting in an office chair for hours, or being on your feet or carrying weight over long periods of times can lead to aches and pains in your back and lower your quality of life. Inversion table reviews are overwhelmingly favourable as thousands of people suffering from a multitude of back related complications and problems, who have tried out inversion tables, have suggested them to friends and family and have taken to the Internet to profess the difference these tables have made to their lives and their improved health. So if you're asking the question, do inversion tables work? All you have to do is read any of these many reviews for yourself.

Back pain suffers spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on expensive medical treatments and pills which more often than not lead to side effects which can cause back pain suffers to feel even worse. Chiropractic treatments, massages and other medical solutions for back pain can be costly and short term. Inversion tables depending on the maker, style and extras can cost as little as a hundred dollars and can drastically improve your life with little cost and much benefit simply from being able to hang upside down.

So, the original question, inversion tables do they work? the answer is yes. Be sure to heed warnings if you have had surgery or have specific medical ailments before you purchase a table. Thousands of back pain suffers have found a way to improve their lives, why not experience what the world already knows and begin to live again!

Workout With Inversion Table Exercises

An inversion table is an excellent piece of back exercise equipment. Once you have used your inversion equipment for a few weeks, progressively increase your degree of inversion as well as your usage time. 3-5 minutes per session and several times a day as per your comfort level can be achieved to maximize the benefits of the gravity inversion table.

Exercises can also be done while you hang upside down on an inversion stretch table. Youtube has dozens of videos by inversion table enthusiasts which can be viewed and tried on your own machine, one has been included at the bottom of this page.

  • Warm up: be sure to do stretching before trying hang upside down to ensure you are limber and do not pull any muscles when you are using your back exercise equipment for the first time.
  • Spine: pulling your body down using the inversion equipment legs, you stretch your spine.
  • Crunch: when comfortable with your inversion table and at 60 degree (full) inversion, lift your lower body upwards to your legs exercising your abs.
  • Sit up: like the crunch, lift yourself up to try and touch your toes exercising your abs.
  • Leg lifts: use leg and muscle strengths to lift your body upward exercising your legs.

For less intensive inversion table exercises you can utilize the inversion table for oscillation exercises, using the weight of your arms by moving them down or up your body to gently rock the chair up and down. These exercises increase blood flow around the spine.

Before attempting any exercises be sure to talk to a medical professional on whether or not to use the inversion equipment for that purpose. When using your gravity inversion table take great care not to make movements which will tip over the device and be sure to know your limitations on the equipment before using it for this purpose. If at all possible use your back exercise equipment with another person in the room.

The Benefits of Inversion Tables

An inversion stretch table is a total back system that provides its users with a variety of benefits.
Amongst the many benefits of inversion tables users can expect from inversion table therapy include the reduction of nerve pressure as well as pain relief from pinched nerves from injuries resulting from compression, constriction or stretching of the spine. This can lead to fewer incidents of the 'pins and needles' sensations from pinched nerves as well as limbs 'falling asleep'.

If your researching the question, inversion tables do they work?, just take a look at the numerous benefits you get from using an inversion table on a regular basis. The best known inversion table benefits, when used to hang upside down, are the benefits to the spine and back. With this total back system a few minutes a day can help realign the spine from many years of damage. This in turn can also aid in improving posture, preventing slouching and helps relax tense muscles as well as strengthen ligaments.
One of the main inversion table benefits is its ability to aid in the re-hydration of the spine's discs. Over the span of the day, the discs slowly dehydrate - this is problematic as this fluid helps absorb shock as well as elongate the spine. The compression that occurs throughout the day can be seen by measuring yourself in the morning and evening, you'll find you are taller than in the morning. This also happens over the decades on a larger scale as you lose height progressively as you age. In this way, the back inversion table, especially when used as a full inversion stretch table, can reduce the effects of ageing caused by the force of gravity over time.
Inversion stretch tables can also help your body retain a healthy immune system but promoting lymph fluid flow, helping cycle the fluid throughout the body. The table can also increase blood flow to the head which can help optimize brain function as well as stimulate circulation.
Many people have had great results using an inversion table due to the dozens of benefits ranging from repairing years of damage to the prevention of disease. The back inversion table has become an excellent total back system to help benefit the human body and to increase ones enjoyment of every day, reducing depression and preventing aches and pains from days, weeks or even decades worth of damage.